| | Examples and utilities |
VFP-code examples�
- List sites with VFP examples and downloads on fox.wikis.com
- Examples on Microsoft.com
- docxtbl.zip [07.06.2008] (169KB) - example of code XSLT, C#, VFP 8.0 (or later), allowing preliminary created template of MS Word 2007 documents to fill with data from a xml-file, using Open XML format. Details...
- xlsxtbl.zip [06.02.2008] (853KB) - example of code for VFP 9.0 (or later), XSLT, C#, JavaScripr to get table of data from xlsx-files MS Excel 2007 application of MS Office 2007 by use Open XML format. Details...
- doevents.zip [10.03.2007] (5,57KB) - example of code for VFP 7.0 (or later) shows use VFP-function DoEvents
- xlsdbf.zip [08.04.2007] (24,0KB) - example of code for VFP 9.0 (or later) receptions of dbf-tables from a xls-file at presence of groups in data by use XSLT-transformations. Details...
- mshflxgr.zip [01.17.2007] (4,0KB) - example of code for VFP 8.0 (or later) shows use MSHFlexGrid control for VFP-data through Provider MSDataShape
- sol_htm.zip [12.11.2006] (4,0KB) - example of code for VFP 7.0 (or later) shows use of function CURSORTOXML() and XSLT-transformation (MSXML 4.0/3.0 is used) for display contents of ...\Samples\Solution\solution.dbf-file in treelike HTML-format.
- dbc_htm.zip [12.11.2006] (4,0KB) - example of code for VFP 7.0 (or later) shows use of function CURSORTOXML() and XSLT-transformation (MSXML 4.0/3.0 is used) for display a VFP-dbc-file in treelike HTML-format.
- inplngche.zip [09.13.2006] (1,0KB) - example of code for VFP 9.0 (or later) shows use of function BINDEVENT() for receiving WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE messages about change KeyboardLayout. I.e. in the form is always represented the current KeyboardLayout.
- grdhdrcl.zip [03.12.2007] (16,0KB) - example of code for VFP 8.0 (or later), showing use of properties: HeaderClassLibrary and HeaderClass for column in Grid. On an example of the class, derivative from Header, the opportunity of change of the order of sorting on click on heading of a column in Grid is shown. (See also Class header - indexing in "Solution" on www.foxclub.ru)
- xasampls.zip [02.27.2007] (8,0KB) - examples of code for VFP 9.0 (or later) uses VFP-class XMLAdapter. Use for obtain/apply xml-diffgram, and also transformation VFP-cursors with one-to-many relations into XML-file and on the contrary is shown.
- cainde.zip [12.29.2006] (64,0KB) - examples of code for VFP 8.0 (or later) uses of the several CursorAdapter classes containing parameterized SQL-SELECTs to MS SQL Server through ADO and ODBC, and also to Native-tables and XML-datas obtained from dbf-files from TasTrade.dbc, in Dataenvironment forms. In examples it is used as the unique connection to server to serve all CA, included in DE, and the case when everyone CA from DE has own connection to server.
- xmlfldre.zip [01.12.2007] (8KB) - the demonstration example shows using VFP 7.0 (or later) in a XML-file received from a DBF-file it is possible to replace one names of fields with others, using XSLT-transformation (used MSXML 4.0/3.0).
- saxsamp.zip [03.03.2011] (12,5KB) - code example VFP 7.0 (or later) for use SAX2 from MSXML 4.0 SDK
- caltplvf.zip [01.26.2006] (13,0KB) - code example of usage of the _olecalendar class from ffc/_datetime.vcx in top-level form.
- wnetaddc.zip [01.04.2006] (1,75KB) - code example VFP 9.0 (or later) demonstrates, usage of the Win32API-function WNetAddConnection2().
- tmcomexe.zip [12.19.2005] (30KB) - code example VFP 9.0 (or later) demonstrates, that VFP-timer control works in VFP-COM-EXE-component. The server informs the client on a discoloration of the form by using BroadcastSystemMessage().
- rtf_prnt.zip [12.02.2005] (12,7KB) - program for create reports based on RTF-templates Author: Aleksey Klishnenko
- adirext.zip [09.18.2005] (2,28KB) - small wrap-class for the VFP-function ADIR(), to receive list of all subdirectories to selected folder, and also dbf-file of relations between them.
- gdipsin.zip [08.26.2005] (7,32KB) - simple example plot of the function sin() by use ffc/_gdiplus.vcx library in the version VFP 9.0 (gdipvcx.zip ((65,8KB) - ffc/_gdiplus.vcx in the version VFP 9.0)
- srvwinsk.zip [08.24.2005] (117KB) - the example of the applications of the client and server with usage MS Winsock control (MsWinSck.ocx) VFP 8.0/VFP 9.0 (a little bit extended example from tcpSock.zip).
- deinlib.zip [06.27.2005] (18,7KB) - the example of usage class DataEnvironment, defined in vcx-library in VFP 8.0 (and later). The code (in event de_base.BeforeOpenTables()) also is show, as it's possible dynamically to reassign properties Database for all cursors from instance of the DE class.
- pathpjxh.zip [01.17.2005] (5,64KB) - If you use h-files in prg/mpr-files with relative paths, at works from the project you by all means came across a situation, when at attempts of execution that constants, defined in h-files appear undefined. pathpjxh.zip include proj_hook.vcx with class projhook, derivative from ProjectHook, for solution this problem.
- vfp98.part1.rar [01.17.2005] (1,38MB) , vfp98.part2.rar (1,38MB), vfp98.part3.rar (804KB) - the code of example from delivering MSDN October 2001 for VFP6
- tastrade.zip [01.17.2005] (910KB) - the code of example tastrade from delivering VFP 7.0
- dbftohtm.zip [01.17.2005] (9,9KB) - the example show how to use VFP 7 (or later) for convert dbf-file into html-table. Converted by used the function CURSORTOXML() into XML-format the datas by means XSLT will be converted to HTML-format (by used MSXML 4.0/3.0).
- vfpinie.zip [10.29.2004] (2,59KB) - the example show how to use VFP 7 (or later) from under MS IE (5.0 and above) for viewing the table. Converted by used the function CURSORTOXML() into XML-format the datas by means XSLT will be converted to HTML-format (by used MSXML 4.0/3.0).
- vfpshape.zip [06.25.2004] (4,44KB) - the example (shapetest.prg) shows, that VFPOLEDB VFP 8.0 (SP1VFP8) [vfpoledb.dll (] supports work with MSDataShape Provider, i.e. allows to receive hierarchical recordsets. The result of query to \samples\data\testdata.dbc (Customer.dbf, Orders.dbf) is kept in a xml-format... And further will be transformed to a html-format using Microsoft � XML Core Services (MSXML) 4.0 (file trans.xslt contains XML -> HTML transformation of the received xml-file) (VFP ver: 8(SP1VFP8)).
- szdbfxml.zip [03.02.2004] (3,04KB) - code the small utility, allowing to compare the sizes of dbf and the appropriate xml-files in the specified folder (VFP ver: 7/8). Used MS Chart Control 6.0 (SP4/OLEDB) [mschrt20.ocx].
- metla.zip [02.16.2004] (27,1KB) - if you were got a set of many equivalent (same) titles, as input from an inventive by the users (for example in the data directory), can try to use by the library metla.vcx. see details in readme.txt, and also example of usage. Author: Olga Golosovskay
- ruslibs8.zip [11.17.2003] (1,27MB) - localised to Russian version of VFP-libraries ver. 8.0 SP1VFP8 (FFC,Wisards). See details ReadMe.txt.
- erep.zip [08.19.2003] (435KB) - EReport it is the class for build-up of the records(reports) in Microsoft Excel by usage OLE Automation, applying it you can make Microsoft Excel by a part of the own applications. Details... Author: Evgeny Banchikov
- getip.zip [07.30.2003] (1,72KB) - the class for getting IP address of the any host name, with use Windows Sockets 2 API.
- grdhlrow.zip [07.23.2003] (1,26KB) - demo example of highlighting active row in Grid for VFP 6/7.
- multex.zip [06.07.2003] (1,09KB) - to preventing repeated call of the application, if the header of the main window can vary. Author: Vadim Pirozhkoff
- determer.zip [06.19.2003] (5,83KB) - the way of error handling on attempt of opening the not existing table in a VFP DataEnvironment class at use it in VFP-COM components is shown.
- shifer.zip [05.20.2003] (1,14KB) - thought accidentally was born how to make so, what the ciphered password even at in each call following encryption would be another... source code of VFP-program of encryption/decoding. Author: Vadim Pirozhkoff
- cobgrd.zip [04.25.2003] (4,81KB) - demo of use ComboBox in Grid.
- copydirs.zip [03.28.2003] (156KB) - the utility CopyFiles.exe is written on VFP 6.0 (sp5vs6), allows to make copying files using a VFP-command COPY FILE... TO... Resources of this utility the list of the initial/output directories can be edited and is located in the system registry.
- mtsdbc.zip [04.09.2003] (33,1KB) - example allows to make experiments with opening/closing of a VFP-database for single-threaded/multi-threaded stateless/stateful VFP-COM-components under MTS/COM+(Component Services for OS NT 5).
- mtscom.zip [03.09.2006] (76,1KB) - contains server's component vfpcomtest.dll (on VFP 6.0), two client-applications: testclient.exe (on VFP 6.0), VBclient.exe (on VB 6.0), and also vfpcomtest.asp (for MS IIS 5). Catalogue Soap contains files received by the utility WSDL Generator (from MS SOAP Toolkit 3) for test components, and also Java script source code for call it through MS SOAP-protocol. All with source code. The example is intended for study of work single-threaded/multi-threaded stateless/stateful VFP-COM-component under MTS/COM+ (Component Services for OS NT 5) More details...
- gofish30.zip [12.07.2002] (107KB) - GOFISH.app allows a user to search for text string within a FoxPro Project and/or a directory/subdirectories and optional globally replace. Author: Peter Diotte
- makertf.zip [11.09.2002] (6,32KB) - classes to receive the file in the RTF-format and an example of usage. Author: Evgeny Rjabov
- foxo2b.zip [08.08.2002] (929KB) - 'In what Foxpro is the brother?' The foxo2b.chm-file containing an internet-resource on FoxPro. Author: Alex Kise
- dbctoxml.zip [07.31.2002] (64,6KB) - the small VFP 7.0 utility, allowing transform all tables from VFP-database into XML-files, by using CursorToXML() function.
- mapiw2k.zip [07.28.2002] (25,7KB) - this demonstration example shows one of ways of sending the mail message from environment VFP 6.0/7.0 for OS NT 5.0 (by use cdonts.dll).
- tcpsock.zip [07.02.2002] (12,6KB) - the client & server example by use MS Winsock control (MsWinSck.ocx) VFP6.0+SP3(VS6)/VFP7.0(SP1VFP7).
- menmform.zip [06.15.2002] (2,1KB) - accidentally has found out: as it is possible to use the menu in the modal forms. Author: Vadim Pirozhkoff
- ttgrbtov.zip [05.05.2002] (30,2KB) - ToolTipTex in Grid, and also effect of 'floating-buttons' in VFP 5/6. Author: Denis Yarosh
- ttingrd.zip [04.15.2002] (2,87KB) - ToolTipTex in Grid. Well, for the fans of all perverted... :-) Author: Igor Korolyov
- sql2xml.zip [04.14.2002] (2,38KB) - �ow receive an outcome of the request to external SQL Server and transform it into the XML-file by using command ADODB.Recordset.Save(MyXMLfile, adPersistXML) If outcome is obtained, on completion it will be transformed into VFP-cursor by using function XMLTOCURSOR() The demonstration is realized as class CSqlCmdToXML. In other words, it's the answer to question: whether there will be a VFP-function XMLTOCURSOR() to work with XML-files, obtained not from VFP-tables by use CursorToXML(), and for example, with MS SQL Server through ADODB.Recordset. So here the example demonstrates, that it will be, if it's not SHAPE only, which infortunately is not supported yet. (for VFP7.0+(SP1VFP7.0) + MS SQL Server 7.0(SP2)).
- progres.zip [03.19.2002] (2,69KB) - class ProgressBar, in VFP6. Author: Igor Chernyaev
- Archive Forum Viewer (v2.0) - forum on my site becomes overflown, and I have decided to move a part of datas into archive, for view last and build this simple viewer [VFP 6.0 (SP3 VS6 or later)]: [01.14.2006]
- Source code: Forumc.zip [43,2KB] (v2.0)
- Executable module VFP 6.0 (SP5 VS6): Forume6.zip [83,4KB] (v2.0)
- Executable module VFP 7.0 (SP1 VFP7): Forume7.zip [83,6KB] (v2.0)
- Executable module VFP 9.0 (SP1 VFP9): Forume9.zip [91,1KB] (v2.0)
Used: mscomctl.ocx (6.00.8862)(TreeView&ListView&StatusBar&ImageList) - for view tree subjs, and richtx32.ocx (6.00.8877) - for view problems/answers (now and with a possibility of search :-).
- VFP-database for 2001 year Ford2001.zip [190,0KB] (v1.5)
- VFP-database for 2001 year in XML-format and JavaScript-code for view data through MS IE 5.0 + MSXML 3.0 and later. Concerning versions see detail in readme.txt forumXML.zip [222,0KB] (v0.2)
- VFP-database for 2003-2005 years ford0305.zip [551,0KB] (v1.5)
- At last, you can visit forum my site here - mgrdhdr.zip [12.24.2001] (1KB) - the example of multiline header in Grid. Author: Svjatoslav Prokipets
- getdir.zip [12.20.2001] (13,7KB) - as it is possible to receive the list for choice of the directory, including and add new, using ListBox and Scripting. FileSystemObject. Purely it is simple a frame of solution of a problem under VFP7 (for alterations under VFP6 it is necessary to bring in a number of changes). Details in GetDir.txt. Author: Vadim Pirozhkoff
- ffc7.zip(Ffc) [11.21.2001] (760KB) wiz7.zip(Wizards) (594KB) - localised to Russian version of VFP 7.0 libraries. See details in ReadMe.txt.
- d2d.zip [09.17.2001] (169KB/v1.12) - DAT2DBF Clarion to dBASE table packet converter v1.12. Author: Dmitry Koudryavtsev
- mru.zip [10.24.2001] (3,87KB) - who create the piclist by using ListBox. Author: Vadim Pirozhkoff
- process.zip [10.17.2001] (3,65KB) - as it is possible to start/expect_completions/slam a process and to receive the code of its completion (are used Win32Api: CreateProcess(), WaitForSingleObject(), GetExitCodeProcess(), TerminateProcess()). Author: Vadim Pirozhkoff
- taskbar.zip [06.25.2001] (2,82KB) - how get TaskBar panel state by using shell32.dll. Author: Vadim Pirozhkoff
- hdrgrd.zip [06.19.2001] (17,7KB) - the examples, how are possible to added the own class Header in Grid from a code of prg-files and vcx-libraries. Details...
- gende.zip [05.18.2001] (119KB/v.2.0.3) - the GenDE utility allows in VFP (v6.0 SP3 VS6 or later) to receive the code of definition of DataEnvironment classes for the forms from the indicated folder. The resalt is made out as the prg-file. Now allows to create appropriate classes Session and create DE-classes for VFP databases (dbc-files), the method of creation a class SessionDE in vcx-library is shown also. For more detail see AboutLibSeEn.txt
- frx.zip [05.04.2001] (7,5KB) - to a problem "Report on the Fly" :-) here something that was received. Certainly there are a lot of questions at issue, but therefore it as source: look, try, break, rebuild... Author: Vadim Pirozhkoff
- gtest.arj [04.25.2001] (59KB) - as it is possible unite together VFP5/6 with TTS NetWare or the indexes do not drop any more. Author: Jury Zaytchev
- resizobj.zip [09.29.2001] (4,19KB) - example of dynamic resizing of any nested objects on the form. Author: Vitaly Fadeev
- resizall.zip [05.05.2001] (39KB) - example of dynamic resizing of any nested objects on the form. Author: Serguei Otchirov
- mschart.zip [03.11.2001] (1,61KB) - SumOrders.prg shows using MSChart control.
- sdisimp.zip [08.23.2001] (27KB) - prgSDIsimp.prg shows using ToolBar and Menu in elementary SDI-application.
- movere.zip [02.03.2001] (90,9KB) - the example demonstrates effect "floating" buttons in VFP 6. Author: Victor Gmyria
- flxgrd.zip [02.16.2001] (1,6KB) - the small example shows use MS FlexGrid control from VFP.
- mytxtgrd.zip [02.15.2001] (1,29KB) - the small example demonstrates, as it is possible to add a class MyTextBox in Grid from a code.
- mailexnt.zip [04.27.2003] (48,5KB) - the analogue MailExp.zip (see above) for CDO for NTS Library (cdonts.dll) (InBox/olFolderInbox/olFolderSentMail).
- mailexp.zip [01.16.2001] (39,7KB) - If at you MS Outlook 98 and CDO library (Cdo.dll) are installed, and to you, as well as me, it wanted to export datas from your mail box (InBox/FolderSentMail) into tables VFP 6.0, you can use this utility.
- explore.zip [10.19.2000] (529KB) - has decided to expose the explorer for common use, written by me at one time, for objects of the application on VFP. He certainly is not completed on all 100 %, but even in such variant not poorly works. Maybe it can be to somebody is required...
- movie.zip [10.10.2000] (7,45KB) - dig up program code-similar to animation for FPW 2.6. I do not know who else till now writes on 2.6 win except for me:-) maybe it can be to somebody is required... Author: Vadim Pirozhkoff
- adors.zip [02.15.2001] (2,79KB) - the example AdoRS.prg demonstrates convertion of a VFP-cursor into ADO Recordset by use VFPCOM-utility and shows last by using MS DataGrid control. Here is shown as it is possible to use OLE control (ActiveX) from a code too.
- putinsql.zip [09.02.2000] (6,38KB) - make a copy of datas from VFP-dbc on MS SQL Server. The problem consists that some datas of a type date can be undefined. In an example the way of correct processing of a similar situation is shown. Author: Jury Zaytchev
- smtp.zip [07.23.2002] (21,3KB) - the example demonstrates sending message through SMTP protocol by using MS WinSock control.
- dbfdesk.zip [02.15.2000] (262KB) Well here, still Yuri Beskorovayny has created good viewer/editor, capable to work with VFP dbf-files. Author: Yuri Beskorovayny
- browsedb.zip [04.17.2003] (74KB) - sometimes it is necessary on client computer to look/edit VFP dbf-files, and good viewer/editor for VFP 6.0, something does not come across :-) well here I and write BrowseDbf.exe, Probably still to somebody will fit :-)
- ruslibs3.zip [05.27.2001] (893KB) - part of localised to Russian version of VFP-libraries, updated on setup VFP 6.0+SP5(VS6).
- ruslibs1.zip(Ffc,Gallery) [05.07.2000] (713KB) ruslibs2.zip(Wizards) (430KB) - localised to Russian version of VFP-libraries 6.0+SP3/SP4(VS6).
- sysregap.zip [02.24.2000] (73KB) - the small wrap class SysRegApp demonstrates use of the class Registry (from FFC VFP 6.0) for reading/writing properties of Application from the System Registry.
- scx2frx.zip [08.05.1999] (14KB) - this utility creates the report, using the reference to the form. Author: Roman Stepanov
- wanswer.zip [05.20.2000] (2,78KB) - I do not know why, but MessageBox is not pleasant to me :-). Author: Michael Suragin
- resize3f.zip [05.15.2000] (7,52KB) - analog ReSize.zip for three objects. Author: Michael Suragin
- resize.zip [09.01.1999] (5,59KB) - the example shows as it is possible to organize dynamic resizing of two controls, filling all form, using VFP Drag&Drop.
- webmail.zip [02.28.2001] (6,52KB) - this example shows as it is possible to add call WebPage of your organization and/or sending e-mail on your address from a dialogue window About of your VFP application.
- dbcappnd.zip [07.20.1999] (45,5KB) - it's the rather stupid utility table-by-table of copying the data from one VFP 6.0 Database to another, having precisely same structure. All restrictions are described in a file ReadMe.txt
- mapi.zip [03.15.2001] (55,2KB) - this demonstration example shows one of ways of sending of the post message from environment VFP 6.0 (thus CDO is used, i.e. will work, if at you is established for example, Microsoft Outlook 98) [ FAQ: "cdo.dll is not present installed at me" not to me, to your system administrator : -)] (See also Reminders to Your Pager Using CDO )
- changedb.zip [01.21.1999] (13,5KB) - will help you to change value of property Database for cursors in DataEnvironment of the forms and reports.
- cp1251.zip [03.23.1999] (31,3KB) - allows to change the codepages of files: *.DBF | *.SCX | *.VCX | *.FRX | *.LBX | *.MNX | *.PJX | *.DBC in the selected directory (and in all subdirectories), using the utility HOME () + 'Tools\CpZero\CpZero.prg'. It is necessary to use from under VFP-environment, previously having produced a command SET RESOURCE OFF.
- dbcdoc.zip [03.30.2000] (76,3KB) - simple document-generator of Visual FoxPro 6.0 database as the document Word 97 (this version temporarily disconnects syntactical/grammar monitoring of the created document).
- Auto start/stop Visual FoxPro WWW Data Server - is explained how to remove problem of necessity of hand-operated startWWW Data Server, serving data processing transmitted through working files from Vfpcgi.exe.
The odd jobs not VFP�
- csdsofl.zip [23.08.2012] (196КБ) - csdsofl.zip - C#-code of example (C# MS VS.NET 2010) to use COM-component Dsofile.dll from http://support.microsoft.com/kb/224351/, usage OLE32 IPropertyStorage interface for read/write access to "Document Summary" and other properties.
- wnd2prc.zip [08.23.2012] (100KB) - C#-code of examples for use Win32Api-functions: SystemParametersInfo, AttachThreadInput and SetForegroundWindow to activate windows from different processes in OS Windows 7/2008 (C# VS.NET 2010, MS.NET Framework 2.0).
- cscomevn.zip [05.12.2011] (74,7KB) - C#-code COM-component (VS.NET 2010, MS Framework 4.0), having events, dialogue with progress-bar and the button, allowing to interrupt operation of component and code example VFP 9.0 (VFP9SP2) application showing, as it is possible to fulfil event processing of this COM-component by use function BINDEVENT().
- vfpevent.zip [03.31.2011] (99,1KB) - VC++-code of the Win32Api application (VS.NET 2008), C#-code (MS Framework 3.5) application and code of three VFP 9.0 applications showing, sending the message between processes (VFP 9.0 applications[VfpAppPostMessage.exe,VfpAppCopyData.exe] - send message, and VC++ Win32Api[VfpEventApp.exe]/VFP 9.0[VfpServerApp.exe]/C# MS Framework 3.5[CSEventApp.exe] - receive). Thus, on the side of VFP-applications are used functions PostMessage (with the message of type WM_USER for transmission of numerical values) and SendMessage (with the message of type WM_COPYDATA for transmission of string-line). On side VC++ Win32Api [VfpEventApp.exe]/C# MS Framework 3.5[CSEventApp.exe] applications the usual technique of processing of messages by use WndProc(...) is applied. In VFP 9.0 application VfpServerApp.exe application processing of messages will be organized with usage of function BINDEVENT().
- docx2htm.zip [08.18.2009] (174KB) - C#-code in VS.NET 2008 with Framework 3.5 showing as it is possible to apply the file of XSLT-transformation DocX2Html.xslt, delivered with SPS/MOSS 2007, to DOCX-files from MS Office Word 2007, for receiving of their HTML-representation.
- smpcomar.zip [07.09.2009] (140KB) - often there is a question: why OLE Automation components incorrectly transfers/receives arrays in/from Microsoft Visual FoxPro? On an example the test COM-component, created in Microsoft Visual Studio Team System 2008 Development Edition, by means Microsoft Visual C ++ 2008 and ATL, it's shown as it is possible to write a code, that data of types: BSTR, VARIANT in case of VT_ARRAY, and also SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) have been correctly apprehended in Microsoft Visual FoxPro.
- threadcs5.zip [10.22.2008] (202KB) - examples C#-code (MS Framework 2.0 or later), to use classes BackgroundWorker and Thread.
- cpdbfset.zip [11.11.2006] (108KB) - CpDbfChange.exe is slightly modified analogue of utility VFP tools/CpZero/CpZero.prg and is intended for change of CodePage dbf-based files. It is written on MS VC++ VS .NET 2003, therefore can be used and there where there are no installed VFP-runtime libraries. The source code is applied.
- st_denis_russian.zip [11.07.2006] (579KB) - the library of the user defined functions, written on C (with source code): functions of work with strings, convertings between the Arabian/Roman numerals, arrays. For VFP 9.0, 8.0, 7.0, etc., FoxPro 2.6 for DOS. The file of library with the version for Visual FoxPro has fll extension, for FoxPro 2.6 for DOS extension of a name of a file is plb. You also can download the Russian version of the given library from address ftp://ftp-developpez.com/nikiforov/udfs/st_denis_russian.zip (the chm-file of the detailed description of functions contains in archive). Author: Igor Nikiforov
- [10.29.2006] How to create relational tables from XML-schema definition? - utililty XSD to SQL Converter. Author: Michael Mechanoshin.
- tsthread.zip [12.23.2005] (272KB) - C++ code of example Win32Api-dll (MS VS.NET 2003 SP1) for create background thread in VFP 9.0 (or later) applications. On the demonstration example usage obtained testThread.dll for call from background thread VFP-COM-component.
- csurltst.zip [09.20.2005] (151KB) - C#-application (MS VS.NET 2003 MS Framework 1.1 SP1) TestUrls for testing of the html-links and ViewResult for view results, received by use VFP-SP gettestresult(). As storage both list of the html-links and results of testing, the database VFP OLE DB Provider is used (all source code are applied).
- vfpping.zip [04.06.2004] (7,65KB) - contains two libraries: Vfpping.dll (allows make pinging for hosts) and VFPSnmp.dll (inspects connections to SNMP) from under VFP. In the file readme contains the descriptions of parameters and examples of calls. Author: Alexandr Kobzarenko
- csthread.zip [01.13.2004] (26,9KB) - example of code on C#, showing: as it is possible create a background thread not blocking UI of a windows, and displaying state of process, carried out in a background thread.
- chkfilev.zip [05.05.2003] (21,8KB) - the simplest utility, allowing to determine: which of two files newer by versions (or date of modified). Is written on MS VC 6.0 (SP5VS6), source code are applied.
- jsmsxml.zip [01.28.2003] (10,1KB) - contains XmlParseFile.js and allows call to Msxml2.DOMDocument & Msxml2.FreeThreadedDOMDocument & Msxml2.XSLTemplate from a command line, by specifying: xml, xsl, output - files.
- csdview.zip [10.21.2002] (11,9KB) - simplest source code sample on MS Visual C#.NET [MS VS.NET 7.0 (+.NET Framework SP2)] for executing SQL SELECT to external OLE DB data source (VFP 7.0, MS SQL Server) and putting out result on the system console. Shows use of objects: OleDbConnection, OleDbDataAdapter, DataSet. Tried to write so simply, as far as it is possible only :-) You can receive the documentation on the interface in a html-format by using the menu item Tools/Build Comments Web Pages... in MS VS.NET 7.0.
- mcdview.zip [10.24.2002] (42,7KB) - analogue csdview.zip, but written by means Microsoft Visual C++ .NET on Managed Extensions for C++ [MS VS.NET 7.0 (+.NET Framework SP2)].
- [08.15.2009] RegFind (ver: - the utility for search in the system register, the outcome of search is made as the reg-file (for OS WinNT4.0, Win2000 & Windows XP (English)) See details in ReadMe.txt:
- the executable module only - regfinde.zip (47,5KB)
- the full version, including source code (MS VC++ 6.0 SP5 VS6 WTL 3.1) - regfindf.zip (80,1KB)
- the full version, including source code (MS VC++ VS.NET 2008 SP1 WTL 8.0) - regfind9.zip (ver: - ftpclnt.zip [01.19.2003] (111KB/ver: - If you, after editing a series of files on the local computer of next time have become thoughtful: which of files you now should update on FTP server... Not worry, you can use FTPclient.exe utility, written by me, it can solve all this problem by performance one click on menu item "Upload All Changed" only! Allows to edit structure of folders on FTP server and client. You can be used it as well as the simple FTP-client, i.e. only for viewing of the catalogues and loading of files from Web/FTP-servers. More details see in the file ReadMe.txt.
- wsdmur.zip [12.31.2003] (49,5KB/ver: - WsDmur.ocx is written by me for update on my external WEB/FTP the server... Also will allow you download small files through http-proxy:xxxx (or simple http:80(in this case download only), if it's accessible), and to do it from the own programs! OCX is created by means MS VC 6.0 MFC SP5 and writing by using Winsock 2.2 API in asynchronous mode (see in MSDN). On downloading, in case loss of connections on the server, the attempts continue downloading (recovery connection) can be made, if it's supported by servers certainly... About details and the last modifications see in the file ReadMe.txt. As addition you can download a code examples of use in ver.
- wsdmurc.zip (43,3KB) VC++ MFC,
- wsdmura.zip (152KB) VC++ ATL,
- wsdmurb.zip (19,7KB) VB,
- wsdmurf.zip (60,3KB) VFP 6/7/8
All in MS VS ver. 6.0 + SP5 VS6. To use examples, in case of the authorized access to the proxy-server you will need to use this (or similar) Base64 Encoder/Decoder: YBase64.zip (54,3KB) Yonatan's Base64 Encoder/Decoder ver. 1.0 (is taken on http://www.planet-source-code.com/xq/ASP/txtCodeId.1710/lngWId.3/qx/vb/scripts/ShowCode.htm) See also Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - Q191239 "Sample Base 64 Encoding and Decoding" - wbtools.zip [11.05.2001] (66,5KB/ver - WebTools.exe - is the FTP-client, using WsDmur.ocx (ver: (see item above), i.e. will allow you Download/Upload files through http-proxy:xxxx from/to the FTP-server. Details...
- desktop.zip [06.14.2001] (6,68KB) - desktop.fll includes only two functions: DESKTOP_EVENT and IDLE_SET everything else - so trivialities :-)
. DESKTOP_EVENT - for keeping track of events of the main window VFP (foxpro desktop)
. IDLE_SET - for fulfilment of the some code, which should be executed on expiration of time interval on an IDLE Fox.
[For more details see: Desktop.txt & Desktop.c]. Author: Vadim Pirozhkoff - My site contains the rather large list of the links on VFP-sites... and it's rather tiresome occupation from time to time to check: all whether they "alive". I have not found a good utility for this purpose under hands (probably, poorly searched :-) well, ...and I have decided to write myself. Details...
- Problem: Some editors, for example Microsoft® FrontPage Editor 3.0, manages to format a scripts-source code, and occasionally in an outcome, the code ceases correctly to be executed (for example, code known Counter http://SpyLOG.com) :-(... However, other of it a possibility (I have in mind FrontPage Editor) like me personally, and I do not have desire to refuse it only for this reason.
Solution: I have not become hardly to understand: how it is necessary to correct Java-script code to remove a marked above mistake, and simply has written the utility, offered to your attention, which makes replacement of all insertions of script-code in html-files of the specified catalogue (and in all subdirectories) by a code from the specified script-files. Besides, it seemed, that the similar utility can be useful, not only to overcoming a marked problem. Details... - cpcnvcom.zip [07.21.2002] (66,9KB) - it was required to execute transformations of code pages under VBScript... and it was necessary to build COM-analogue for CPConvert() (see item above). Is created by means MS VC++6.0 ATL. In file Cpcnvcom.zip include source code too. In current vertion, to exclude repeated reallocation of memory, in case of cyclic use one instance of object, you can reset properties BufferLength or/and BufferIncrement according to yours datas before the beginning cycle of transformations.
- cpconv.zip [07.19.2002] (68,8KB) - this small CPConvert.dll (on MS VC++ 6.0) contains only one of Win32API function CPConvert(), permitting to convert of string datas from one CODEPAGE to other (similarly functions CPCONVERT() in VFP)... The difference consists that it's capable to transformations for all pairs of files c_*.nls from C:\WINNT\system32\ *, that cannot be told about CPCONVERT() from VFP, in particularly the last is inaccessible the code page 20866 (koi8-r), widely used in MAPI in Russia.